How To Sell Your Products on Social Media

How To Sell Your Products on Social Media

| 11 min read By: admin

Selling products on social media gives opportunities for e-commerce businesses to grow their market worldwide and boost sales without thinking of how to sell online. With billions of active users, now most social media platforms offer a shopping marketplace for online businesses. Social media’s new integrated commerce makes the selling process much easier. Regardless of how big or small your business is, leveraging social media can significantly increase your brand visibility and revenue.

According to GWL, people spend almost 2 hours and 23 minutes daily on social media. This means entrepreneurs should know where and how to utilize the time. Those who are interested in selling their products on social media should read this article.

Importance of social media for sales

If your company doesn’t have a social media account, it means you don’t exist! This is the power of social media marketing. It doesn’t only give entertainment, it also influences the thinking, buying, and selling process. Before most of the online businesses attached their website link to their page. So, customers need to follow many steps before making any purchasing decision! – this makes customers very annoyed. Taking advantage of advanced technology, major social media players now offer commerce directly within their platforms, allowing consumers to purchase the products they discover without ever leaving the platform.

There are several reasons why business should be on social media. Having social media is crucial for worldwide reach. Over 5 billion people use social media which means you have a chance to connect with a vast audience, far beyond the limitations of traditional marketing channels. In simple terms, the more reach you get, there is a high chance to boost your sales. Using social media to boost e-commerce conversion is one major strategy for online business owners.

Social media helps buyers make shopping decisions 87% of the time. In addition, 71% of people are more likely to buy something if they hear about it on social media- this implies that the importance of social media for sales cannot be overstated. It offers businesses an effective and efficient way to reach a large audience, engage with customers, and drive sales through targeted marketing efforts.

Social Selling Vs Social Commerce

Both social selling and social commerce are strategies for growing businesses using social media, but their goals and approaches differ.

Social selling involves engaging with potential customers on social media platforms and building relationships. It means having a social media marketing strategy for e-commerce is important. It’s a strategy that focuses on:

  • Establishing connections with prospects and customers
  • Providing value through content and interactions
  • Nurturing leads and relationships over time
  • Influencing potential or current customers to visit an online or physical store

Social Commerce, on the other hand, is about directly selling products or services through social media channels. It involves:

  • Creating a seamless and integrated shopping experience within social media platforms.
  • Enabling customers to discover, interact with, and purchase products directly on social media.
  • Incorporating the entire shopping experience, from product discovery to purchase, within social media.

Top 3 Social Media Platforms for Selling Products

In the dynamic landscape of social media, in 2024, several new platforms have entered the ever-changing social media scene. But the Top 3 are Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Certainly, these platforms have already invested in social commerce features for e-commerce businesses. Now it has been easy for businesses to connect with target audiences and sell products directly using social media.

1. Facebook

Facebook is the largest social networking platform with more than 3.05 billion monthly active users (MAUs). It’s an open platform that works with multiple material types, including Stories, text, photos, and videos. Facebook Groups and Marketplace, together with its extensive advertising opportunities, make it the perfect platform for businesses looking to connect with new clients and reach a wide audience.

Use Messenger for Sales

When you enter a retail shop, you might see that the staff are walking on the floor to help you with decisions about what to pick and what suits you better. Just like that, the messenger can be used for communicating with prospective customers. E-commerce business owners can create automated responses or prompts for their customers using Messenger.

With only a few taps, business owners may provide a product recommendation or prewritten responses and discount vouchers. Even better, you can place an order right in the chat and request payment. If you have created a Shopify online store, then it would be a piece of cake. With Shopify Inbox, you and your team can easily access customer service, deals, and item scripts to convert Facebook inquiries into sales and other channels—all from within a single app.

Tag Products in Your Facebook Post

Always tag your products in your Facebook content. If customers click on that content or post, they can see the product details to make a purchase decision. Publishing material about your goods or advertising a recent launch can help you turn the demand your content creates into actual sales.

Sells Products Through Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace offers exposure to a vast audience, with millions of users browsing the platform daily. Facebook’s intelligent algorithms may showcase your shop to users who are on the hunt for products you offer. This feature enhances discoverability without extra effort. Additionally, leveraging Facebook ads with Marketplace as a placement can significantly increase your reach, placing your products right beside organic listings where potential buyers are already browsing.

Sell Products through Paid Facebook Ads

If you want your products to always get the limelight, then Facebook Ad is the best choice. You can promote your products in various ways including creating images, videos, reels, carousels, and many more ways.

Live Shopping

Facebook Live lets businesses host live streaming events where they can showcase products, answer questions in real time, and provide a direct link for viewers to purchase the items being shown.

2. Instagram

Instagram, a visual medium owned by Facebook, is ideal for presenting products through photos and videos. It has quickly developed into a potent center for online shopping, particularly for companies that cater to younger, visually-oriented consumers.

Instagram Shopping:

Instagram Shopping transforms a business’s profile into a storefront. Businesses can tag products in their posts and stories, allowing users to click on tags to see product details and make purchases.

Shoppable Posts and Stories:

Shoppable posts and stories enable businesses to tag products directly in their content. This feature integrates seamlessly with product catalogs, providing a smooth shopping experience for users.

Instagram Shopping:

Instagram Shopping transforms a business’s profile into a storefront. Businesses can tag products in their posts and stories, allowing users to click on tags to see product details and make purchases.

Shoppable Posts and Stories:

Shoppable posts and stories enable businesses to tag products directly in their content. This feature integrates seamlessly with product catalogs, providing a smooth shopping experience for users.

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual discovery engine where users can find inspiration for various interests, including fashion, home decor, and DIY projects. It’s particularly effective for businesses with visually appealing products.

Add Shop Tabs:

The Pinterest Shop section features curated collections of shoppable Pins from various brands and small businesses. Users can browse and purchase products directly from Pinterest.

Promote Your Products using Pinterest Ads:

Pinterest offers various advertising options such as Promoted Pins, which appear in users’ feeds and search results, and Shopping Ads, which display product images and pricing, linking directly to the retailer’s site.

How to Sell Products on Social Media?

Selling products on social media is a powerful way to reach a vast audience and drive sales. However, it requires a strategic approach to ensure success. Here, we’ll cover the essential steps to effectively sell your products on social media, from understanding your audience to leveraging advertising and analytics.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding who your target audience is crucial for tailoring your social media strategy. Identify the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your ideal customers. This includes age, gender, location, income level, and hobbies.

Develop detailed buyer personas to represent your ideal customers. These personas help you understand their needs, preferences, and pain points, allowing you to create content that resonates with them.

2. Choose the Right Platforms

Each social media platform has its own user demographics. Choose platforms that align with your target audience. For instance, Instagram is popular among younger users, while LinkedIn is preferred by professionals.

Rather than spreading yourself too thin, focus on 2-3 platforms where your audience is most active. This allows you to dedicate more time and resources to creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience.

3. Optimize Your Profiles

Ensure your social media profiles have consistent branding, including logos, color schemes, and messaging. This helps build brand recognition and trust.

Fill out all profile information, including a compelling bio, contact information, and links to your website or online store. Use keywords relevant to your business to improve discoverability.

4. Create Engaging Content

On social media, visual content is essential. To highlight your products, use the highest caliber photos, videos, and graphics. Professional-looking graphics can be made with the aid of programmes like Canva or Adobe Spark.

Share insights about your brand and products. Provide client endorsements, insider business glimpses, and the backstory of your items. Your brand becomes recognizable and relatable when it tells a story.

To keep your viewers interested, vary up your content. Use product posts, user-generated content, guides, and sales promotions.

5. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values and have an engaged following that matches your target audience. Use tools like BuzzSumo or to find potential influencers.

Choose influencers who genuinely like and use your products. Authentic endorsements are more effective and build trust with their followers. Monitor the performance of influencer campaigns using tracking links or discount codes. Analyze the results to determine the return on investment (ROI) and adjust your strategy accordingly.

6. Utilize Social Media Advertising

Establishing your advertising goals, such as raising sales, improving website traffic, or raising brand awareness, and establishing specific objectives aids in the creation of focused advertising strategies. To target users according to certain demographics, interests, and behaviors, make use of the sophisticated targeting capabilities offered by social media networks. This guarantees that the most relevant audience sees your advertisements.

Make eye-catching, attention-grabbing, and visually appealing advertisements. To get them to click, utilize attention-grabbing headlines, potent calls-to-action (CTAs), and excellent images.

7. Engage with Your Audience

Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Engaging with your audience builds relationships and encourages loyalty. Invite customers to share photos and reviews of your products. Feature their content on your profile to build community and trust. Host social media contests and giveaways to boost engagement and attract new followers. Ensure the rules are clear and the prizes are relevant to your audience.

8. Offer Exclusive Deals and Promotions

Create exclusive deals and promotions for your social media followers. Limited-time offers and flash sales create urgency and drive quick sales. Share discount codes that are specific to your social media channels. This not only incentivizes purchases but also helps track the effectiveness of your social media efforts.

9. Use Analytics to Improve

Keep an eye on important indicators like return on ad spend (ROAS), engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Important data is provided by programmes like Instagram Analytics, Facebook Insights, and Google Analytics. Analyze your social media performance on a regular basis to determine what is and is not working. Make better use of this information to boost sales, enhance content, and hone your approach.

Test several aspects of your social media efforts, including headlines, graphics, and calls to action (CTAs), using A/B testing. This maximizes your outcomes by assisting in identifying what appeals to your audience the most.

10. Leverage Social Proof

Share positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. Social proof builds credibility and encourages potential customers to make a purchase. Create case studies that showcase how your products have solved problems or provided value to your customers. Detailed case studies provide concrete evidence of your product’s benefits.


Looking to boost your sales effortlessly on social media? Our Shopify development company offers extensive Shopify solutions to help you succeed. Utilize visually appealing product posts, leverage influencer partnerships, and run targeted ads to reach your ideal audience.

Engage with customers through interactive content and exclusive promotions. Use Shopify’s seamless integration with social media platforms to streamline your sales process and track performance. Let our expert team optimize your Shopify store for maximum conversions and ease of use. Elevate your social media sales strategy with our comprehensive Shopify solutions today!